Yesterday during worship, our church sang the song “Mighty to Save” by Hillsong Australia. Do you ever have those moments in worship where you are so completely struck by the words and meaning of the song that you can’t even sing? It’s almost as if singing the words aloud would disrupt them from sinking deep into your heart…I don’t know, maybe that’s just me. But yesterday, I definitely had one of those moments. I love it when surroundings fade away and it’s just my heart to God’s heart, communicating quietly. What struck me most significantly yesterday, was the first verse, I couldn’t get past it through the whole song. The lyrics state…
“Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.”
The phrase, “Let mercy fall on me” has been running through my head over and over. Yesterday, during that song, I asked the Lord to implant his mercy into my thoughts, my heart, my motives and my actions. I want to see people how Jesus did when he died for all mankind. I want to love ALL people like Jesus did when he gravitated toward the outcasts, the poor, and the disowned.
I know saying we want Christ’s mercy is one thing, but living it day in and day out is another complete. That is my prayer…that His mercy would fall and rest on me. That it would transfer to everything I do, say and think. That it would be the filter for how I live my life!It’s Thursday…and that means I am one day away from visiting my parents! I am so excited and anxious for tomorrow! My sweet husband bought me a plane ticket to go visit them for a long weekend! If you know me, you know that I am SUPER close to my mom and my dad. It will be a blessing to be home with them! They have also been doing some remodeling at their house, so it will be fun to see the changes in my childhood home!
On another note, grad school started today at Southwestern! I can’t believe Winter Break is over and another semester has begun. I feel like I have been in school for forever, and every semester I have at least one moment where I don’t think I can finish it. Yet, I always come back and find myself excited about a new semester. This will be a heavy semester for me, but it is my last Spring semester and I can hardly believe it…a little bittersweet! A year from now I will have graduated and Chris and I will be in the middle of church planting. I can’t wait to see how God unfolds everything before us!
I’m off for now…y’all have a great night!